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Friday, June 29, 2007

The iPhone and All Your Customers

Copyright © 2007 Unified-View, All Rights Reserved Worldwide

June 29, 2007

What Will Have To Happen To Customer Service When Your Customers Get Their iPhones?

By Art Rosenberg, The Unified-View

Today’s the big day for Apple’s new iPhone and all the pundits are speculating about its impact on the market for a variety of reasons.

Back in January of this year, after Steve Jobs first introduced the coming iPhone product to the world, I welcomed the arrival of a device that would make UC real for end users. Although converging IPod music entertainment with multimodal communications has been a major attraction for the consumer market, I see the innovative multimodal device interface design as step forward in the migration in the migration to mobile unified communications. However, I also highlighted some of the initial iPhone deficiencies for business users in the enterprise market reported by industry pundits. Now that the iPhone is about to be delivered to the drooling consumer market, it is time to look at what it will do to enterprise communications from a customer contact application perspective.

I have discussed “Consumer UC” in the past as something that will require traditional telephone call centers to get ready for the “multimodal customer,” and the iPhone release is the tip of the multimodal contact center iceberg. This event should be a wakeup call for every organization to get serious about migrating their customer contact operations towards the future. That migration will range from supporting IP and wireless network connectivity to training multimodal agents to dynamically support “transmodal” customer interactions. That’s a major overhaul of legacy call center operations and will pose serious questions for both IT management and contact center operations planning.

Raising the customer contact bar - What if a lot of consumers have an iPhone or similar “smartphone”?

A practical way to look at what’s coming down the pike for contact centers is to simply assume that a lot of consumers will soon get an iPhone or a competitive “smartphone” equivalent. Although one of the big drivers for consumer interest in the iPhone is because it has integrated IPod entertainment capabilities into a mobile phone device, it is also of interest because it also offers the convenience of multimodal, unified communications capabilities, including unified messaging and web information access. So, what will that mean for enterprise contact centers and satisfying the customer experience?

Here are some logical perspectives:

  1. Because the iPhone is a multimodal device that will be carried by individual customers, it will be “always on” and personalized.
  2. It will be used for “person-to-person” contacts, information delivery, and multimodal self-services.
  3. Because of richer, multimodal self-services, the iPhone/smartphone will be able to exploit the benefits of self-services to a greater degree than traditional telephones or cell phones.
  4. Because environments constantly change, the mobile user will initiate customer contacts with different modalities, depending on a combination of:
    • The communication need,
    • The initiator’s preferences, and
    • The environmental circumstances.
  5. Increased information richness of self-service applications, enabled by multimodal mobile device interfaces, will help reduce the demand for live assistance.
  6. We can assume that presence will be involved for managing contact access for all real-time contacts.
  7. Use of email and IM will be more efficient because they can exploit links to information and documents by URL links, rather than enclosing attachments.
  8. Email from customers or customer service will also be able to exploit speech input rather than typing, e.g., JOTT, another way making voice messaging more efficient and manageable for customer contacts.
  9. Voice messaging will exploit speech recognition to convert voice messages to more efficiently managed email, although the iPhone Visual Voicemail stresses only the control interface of voice messages.
  10. Mobility will be a new driver, in addition to global customers, for customer contacts to be initiated 24x7, driving further change to the old peak-hour traffic models of traditional call center activity.
  11. Mobile customer accessibility through multimodal “smartphones” will also impact traditional call center queuing for live assistance in several ways, including:
    • Call back rather waiting in queue
    • IM and text messaging options
    • Dynamic escalation between communications modalities (“transmodal communications”), e.g.: escalate from email, voice mail, SMS, IM to voice conversation (“click-to-talk”)
  12. IM and presence management will facilitate collaborative interactions between enterprise personnel in supporting customer assistance in real-time. (First Contact Resolution – FCR)

There are other ripple effects upon enterprise customer contact/support requirements that will stem from the consumer adoption of the iPhone and other successful “smartphones.” So, Apple and AT&T’s “coming out” party will herald the advent of multimodal customer contact and all the consequences of satisfying new customer contact experiences. Most importantly, it will push enterprise organizations to really start rethinking their old call center operations from a UC perspective and start planning their migrations to multimodal customer contact.

The good news! Hosted and managed services will ease the transition to multimodal customer care

Although the industry watchers originally started off with concerns only about enterprise movement to VoIP and Internet Telephony, it is becoming increasingly clear that the real driver of UC migration will be the customer-facing support of business process applications that will require the flexibility of mobile and multimodal communications. That will apply not only to where the revenue “ROI” comes from, the customers, but also to the customer-facing support staff wherever they are located. That’s where the capabilities of the multimodal iPhone, coupled with both customer contact response flexibility and proactive information delivery will drive business communications into the UC future.

Inasmuch as the multimodal customer contact technology is still evolving and internal enterprise IT resources have little or no experience with converged communications, business organizations are not really ready to take full responsibility with internal staffing for new UC technologies. So, why should they?

This is where the new, software-based complexities of multimodal contact center technologies, coupled with the power of flexible distribution of computing resources and support staffing, will be pushing the enterprise market towards the practical benefits of rapid time-to-market from hosted, multi-sourced technology migration services. In particular, with the new offerings of hosted, multi-sourcing service providers that can quickly migrate existing contact center technologies to the multimodal customer environment, the enterprise pain of first developing a comprehensive RFP for all customer contact applications before fully understanding what will really work for different customer contact needs, can be significantly reduced in time, effort, and costs. It’s not just “try before buy,” but rather “learn before migrating,” because only experience can determine the choice of implementations required.

What Do You Think?

Send your comments to me at

Attention CIOs: Watch this great recent Webcast from Avaya and Microsoft on the practical “Why’s” and “How’s” of migrating to UC!

Go to:

This discussion with the two dominant enterprise communications technology providers in the text messaging and telephony worlds highlights the practicalities of migrating to UC and also underscores the industry-wide initiative for identifying individual business user requirements.

A New Service For Enterprise UC Planning

The Unified-View, together with the industry experts at, is developing a standard end-user online survey service that will be made freely available to enterprise organizations to help gather UC/mobility profiling information about current end user business communications activities. This information will help enterprise management to:

  1. Gather information about which individual end users or work groups need UC capabilities the most
  2. Identify the related business process that will determine UC migration priorities
  3. Help align the value of improved UC capabilities with the ROIs of business processes.
  4. Help identify and quantify the mobile and UC activities associated with specific individual users and their business contacts that should also be provided with UC capabilities
  5. Enable the organization to plan specific migration training needs for individual end users or end user groups, in accordance with a practical migration implementation schedule.
  6. Enable the enterprise to compare before and after changes in business communication efficiencies and business process benefits by basically using the same survey for “migrated” users as a “before and after” comparison.
  7. The service will also allow enterprise organizations to “benchmark” individual users or different groups within the organization for evaluation purposes. In addition, it is planned to allow such information to be benchmarked in Unified-View market research reports across enterprise organizations, to identify differences in end user needs between different vertical market segments, and identify “best practices” for UC management.

Stay tuned to the web site for initial availability of the UC Profiling service. We are in discussions with all the major UC technology providers to support this initiative to help both their customers and sales channels plan their UC migrations properly and effectively.

News From UC Strategies

To better understand the different perspectives and issues involved with implementing UC technologies, go to the web site for the latest, most practical insights on migrating the enterprise to UC.

UC Industry Update including Highlights from VoiceCon Spring

You can also review the presentations given by the experts at TMC’s IT Expo.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

UC-based Kiosks

Copyright © 2007 Unified-View, All Rights Reserved Worldwide

June 8, 2007

UC Going After the On-premise Customer – Will The Wired IP “Smartphone” Become the New, Multimodal Applications Kiosk?

By Art Rosenberg, The Unified-View

UC capabilities originally targeted business communications on a person-to-person basis, where the contact initiator knows the specific contact recipient and just needs the flexibility of different communication modalities for maximizing individual and group productivity. However, it is no big secret that the real business “ROI” of converging information/communication technologies will be coming from three primary sources:

  1. Speeding up revenue generation from customers
  2. Reducing operational labor costs to get 1
  3. Reducing technology costs (TCO) to support maximum customer access

All of the above are geared to contribute to the bottom line of any business activity with customers, and the Web has become the fastest growing form of customer access to business activities because it is “always-on,” multimodal, and “virtual.”

Generating Revenue Faster At The “Point-of-Sale”

Getting revenue from customers faster means that customers are getting their needs satisfied more quickly, including getting live assistance with the purchase of goods and services. This can happen wherever the customer happens to be initiating their transactions, including:

· From a wired phone

· Online at a business web site

· Mobile, using a personalized wireless device (laptop, smartphone)

· Visiting a “brick and mortar” branch office or retail location

Although e-Commerce has significantly displaced some traditional brick-and-mortar business activity, there are many kinds of businesses that still require customer visits to retail locations or branch offices. This is where self-service business process applications can be highly customized and simplified for on-premise devices to quickly service simple customer needs without the costs and delays of on-premise live assistance. A familiar example is the ATM machine located at banks and other remote locations for simple banking transactions (deposits and withdrawals).

However, as we all know too well, every self-service application may require live assistance and for premise-based business activities, such assistance must be immediate and based upon the device that is supplied on-premise. This is where the benefits of premise-based business process applications can benefit from IP communications capabilities, shifting from an on-line interaction to a real-time voice conversation with live assistance. Although this may sound like a traditional IVR call center situation where a caller presses ”0” to talk to an agent, this is much more focused on specialized, live “point-of-sale” transaction applications that are key to revenue generation. The question is, how will UC help that happen?

Putting the Premise-based Customer Contact UC Opportunity in Perspective – “Contextual Contact Initiation”

Most telephone customer contacts originate off-premise, where there has been little application control over the consumer’s communication device. Even with premise-based phones, the chasm between telephony and business applications limited voice application interfaces to the complexities of standard telephone device TUI.

We have always had premised-based telephones available for use by both visitors/customers to contact live assistance, usually via an operator, e.g., an airport, a hotel, department store, etc. We have also always had different kinds of application-based, online information and transaction kiosks in public locations, often with a separate wired telephone alongside to initiate an independent voice conversation with live assistance. In both cases, the telephone contact was totally controlled by the customer/visitor who would then have to explain what kind of information or assistance they would need.

Online premise-based PC applications are more flexible and efficient because of their dedicated and customized rich, transaction-oriented interfaces, e.g., ATM machines. However, when live assistance is required, the traditional voice connection must still be activated over a separate telephone line. With VoIP and IP telephony, the combination of rich, online information and data transactions with live, contextual voice contacts can make premise-based self-service applications much more efficient and productive, yet easily supported by live assistance “on demand.”

Some Examples

The lodging industry always has visiting customers, better known as “guests.” Guests always have both information needs and assistance needs while on the premises. The former was traditionally taken care of by a combination of hotel information reference books and the use of the in-room television set to access information from the hotel computer systems. For live assistance, however, the traditional room telephone was available as a separate means of contact unrelated to the information delivered over the TV set.

Although originally announced back in 2001, Avaya created a new, applications oriented “Concierge” phone for the opening of the new Wynn hotel in Las Vegas. It was an IP phone with a screen that was able to do display all kinds of hotel and local area information like the in-room TV, but also had the option to initiate context-based outbound phone calls related to the displayed information. The desktop “smartphone” form factor simplified the application user interface and avoided the complexities of a general-purpose PC. For business travelers who need to do “work,” however, this was not the device for that purpose.

Cisco is also moving in this direction, having formed a “customer business transformation” consulting team that is doing the business process analysis for their customers to come up with UC solutions that exploit the benefits of multimodal IP phones. Listen to the examples cited in Blair Pleasant’s recent interview with Cisco’s Manjula Talreja that enable UC-enabled communication devices to support self-service business process applications in point-of sale environments.

Consumers are being given new capabilities to search for nearby locations of products and services that need to be seen, transacted, tried on, or discussed face-to-face. But, once on premise at these locations, the opportunity to get information and execute transactions on a self-service basis needs to be simplified by customizing the user interfaces around the specific business application process involved. General-purpose computer interfaces are not what is needed for “point-of-sale” activities.


While UC is very heavily oriented towards the flexibility of multimodal devices for a variety of person-to-person contacts, it is also going to be useful to the “point-of-sale” customer environment, where the customer is only a visiting contact initiator, who will use a premise-based device designed specifically for simplified self-service functions, and, if necessary, to immediately access live assistance within the context the customer’s activity. (“Contextual contact initiation”)

While such premise-based activity may be limited in volume compared to growing web-based e-commerce and mobile usage, it is certainly a critically sensitive factor for revenue generation for businesses that are visited by the customers.

What Do You Think?

Send your comments to me at

Attention CIOs: Watch this great recent Webcast from Avaya and Microsoft on the practical “Why’s” and “How’s” of migrating to UC!

Go to:

This discussion with the two dominant enterprise communications technology providers in the text messaging and telephony worlds highlights the practicalities of migrating to UC and also underscores the industry-wide initiative for identifying individual business user requirements.

A New Service For Enterprise UC Planning

The Unified-View, together with the industry experts at, is developing a standard end-user online survey service that will be made freely available to enterprise organizations to help gather UC/mobility profiling information about current end user business communications activities. This information will help enterprise management to:

  1. Gather information about which individual end users or work groups need UC capabilities the most
  2. Identify the related business process that will determine UC migration priorities
  3. Help align the value of improved UC capabilities with the ROIs of business processes.
  4. Help identify and quantify the mobile and UC activities associated with specific individual users and their business contacts that should also be provided with UC capabilities
  5. Enable the organization to plan specific migration training needs for individual end users or end user groups, in accordance with a practical migration implementation schedule.
  6. Enable the enterprise to compare before and after changes in business communication efficiencies and business process benefits by basically using the same survey for “migrated” users as a “before and after” comparison.
  7. The service will also allow enterprise organizations to “benchmark” individual users or different groups within the organization for evaluation purposes. In addition, it is planned to allow such information to be benchmarked in Unified-View market research reports across enterprise organizations, to identify differences in end user needs between different vertical market segments, and identify “best practices” for UC management.

Stay tuned to the web site for initial availability of the UC Profiling service. We are in discussions with all the major UC technology providers to support this initiative to help both their customers and sales channels plan their UC migrations properly and effectively.

News From UC Strategies

To better understand the different perspectives and issues involved with implementing UC technologies, go to the web site for the latest, most practical insights on migrating the enterprise to UC.

UC Industry Update including Highlights from VoiceCon Spring

You can also review the presentations given by the experts at TMC’s IT Expo.